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Bike Rack Solution that Can Fit Behind Off-Road Tire Mounted on Rear of Vehicle  


I have 35inch tires and the spare sits very close to the passenger side, requiring the rack to adjust the arms towards the driver side. Also this is an off road vehicle I need a very stout rack for MTB and road.


Expert Reply:

I wish we had a spare bike rack that matched everything you wanted and also fits your tire size, but the only spare bike rack we offer that can do an offset won't fit tires that are larger than 33 inches in diameter.

Would a hitch bike rack possibly work? What's your vehicle info? Maybe we have a hitch that could fit it and a bike rack that would be ideal. If you have a hitch currently get me the distance from the hitch pin hole out to the furthest point out on your rear spare and I'll be able to see if there's a bike rack that would fit well.

For example we have the Kuat Sherpa part # SH22B which would fit as long as the dimension you took was less than 13 inches. This is a very stable and easy to use rack that would work well for you.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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