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Choosing Between the Brake Buddy Select 3 and the Blue Ox Patriot Supplemental Braking System  


I need your expert opinion. I need a supplemental braking system for my 2017 Jeep Wrangler sport 2 door. I need help choosing between the blue ox Patriot and the brake buddy 3. I want 1. Best proportional braking...reliable and minimal problems. 2. Ease of installation. 3. Best customer satisfaction. 4. Customer service and support. What say ye? Also, does the Patriot drain the battery of the toad after 6 hours of use?


Expert Reply:

When it comes to choosing between the Blue Ox Patriot # BLU37TR and the Brake Buddy Select 3 # HM39524, these systems are extremely similar in their setup and functionality. Both of these systems provide proportional braking in a compact and easy to install braking box and there are a ton of great reviews for both of these systems. In regards to functionality, I've seen some reports of the Patriot being a little bit slower in the response to the braking on their RV, which I have not seen with the Brake Buddy.

With that being said, there are a couple of things that give the Brake Buddy a leg up on the Patriot. To start, and this is probably the biggest thing for me, the Brake Buddy comes complete with all of the parts you'll need to set up the braking system and keep your tow vehicle's battery charged, with no additional parts to buy. The Blue Ox Patriot does not include a way to keep your tow vehicle charged, so you need to use the Roadmaster Battery Charge Line Kit for Towed Vehicles # RM-156-25 (and the # RM-156-75 if no charge line is present on your RV) in order to keep your battery charged during flat towing. The amount of time it would take to drain your battery depends on a lot of factors, and I haven't seen anything that says 6 hours is the maximum amount of time that you can run it without the charge line, but it will drain your battery. Additionally, the Brake Buddy connects securely and wraps completely around the brake pedal on your 2017 Jeep Wrangler to ensure that it never slips off and always provides a nice, even brake pressure. The Blue Ox connects in a similar manner, but I prefer the strength of the connection on the Brake Buddy.

The other piece of the puzzle that gives the Brake Buddy and advantage for me is the huge difference in the warranty periods for these two products; the Brake Buddy comes with a 5 year warranty, where the Blue Ox Patriot comes with a 2 year warranty. This gives me some peace of mind that even if something were to go wrong with the system, I'm covered for 2.5x longer with the Brake Buddy warranty.

For me, especially considering the similarities of the two systems, the Brake Buddy Select 3 # HM39524 wins out every time and I recommend going with it over the Patriot # BLU37TR. I've linked some of our review and installation videos of these two systems that you might find helpful, so you can see for yourself the minimal differences in installation between the two. You also may want to refer back to them when you're installing either of them yourself the first few times.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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