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How to Make a 7-Way to 6-Way Square Jayco Trailer Connector Adapter  


Tow Vechile 2006 Dodge Ram- Has 7 pin plug-in 2001 Jayco Eagle Pop Up Camper. The camper has a battery. I need the harness that goes from the trailer to the tow vechile. There is a wire from the battery to the frame for ground. I think there should be a wire red to the pos side of battery from the tailer plug in connector. I pull mine into and have missed placed it. Thank you


Expert Reply:

There is no adapter available that will go from a 7-Way vehicle side connector to a 6-Way square Jayco connector. You will need to make one using the follow parts:

7-Way trailer connector # H20042
6-Pole Square Trailer Wiring Connector Kit, # 37995

Start by identifying the wire functions of the trailer side connector so that it will be easier to wire in the 7-Way later. Connect the 7-Way wires on H20042 to the vehicle side connector in # 37995 based on function. On the H20042:

the white wire is ground,
the red wire is for left turn and brake,
the brown wire is for right turn and brake,
the green wires is for tail lights,
the blue wire is output from the brake controller (if applicable),
the black wire is 12 volt power,
and the yellow wire is an auxiliary circuit.

Do not attempt to wire only based on color because they will probably not match up. Go by function on how the trailers connector is wired.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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