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Ramp Assist for Heavy Ramps on Trailer  


The ramps are very heavy to lift up off the trailer to put down on the ground too. Will these springs assist both directions, or is there something else I can do for that.Getting old aint for wimps!


Helpful Expert Reply:

For your 35 ft flatbed trailer I recommend the Redline Ramp Spring # RS16933LH for the left hand side, and # RS16933RH for the right hand side.

These are designed to help lift the ramps on heavier trailers like yours. So long as the hinge pin is 1 1/2" diameter these will work great. They have a 2K lbs tension rating, so as you lift it takes some of the weight off. If your ramps are extremely heavy, you can use more than one on each ramp.

I linked the parts mentioned above and a video for you to check out explaining how to install the springs, and how you can use more than one on each side for really heavy ramps like yours.

expert reply by:
Robert C
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The ramps are very heavy to lift up off the trailer to put down on the ground too. Will these springs assist both directions, or is there something else I can do for that.Getting old aint for wimps!

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Robert C.


Absolutely! I understand the ramps are very heavy, however the springs are designed to help lift the ramps up. With the way the spring is designed there is a rod that pushes against the ramp and trailer, so after a point they won't be in contact anymore and won't provide any assistance. I understand the idea of wanting assistance when lifting the ramps, but if the ramps are being raised off the bed of the trailer without anything holding them down, it would potentially cause them to deploy when you don't want them too. One solution that would at least keep the ramps ready is to store the ramps vertically on the trailer rather than laying flat. Since the ramps are so heavy a spring latch may work but they are designed for trailer doors that aren't that heavy. You can use a hitch pin and clip to secure it like # PC3. Hitch pins are meant for more weight and you would have more pin holding on the ramps using a regular hitch pin versus a spring latch pin A few holes may need to be drilled if there aren't any on the ramps or your trailer. The hitch pin is 5/8" in diameter.

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