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Is MaxxAir Mini Deluxe Trailer Roof Vent With Light Loud Compared to Larger Fans  


I am considering installing a fan in my tear trailer. Since it is so small, Im looking for something that can be run very quietly, and is power-efficient. I like the combination of the fan and light together, as it simplifies the wiring, but am worried that it will be loud with that small of a fan. How does it compare noise-wise to one of the larger fans?


Expert Reply:

The MaxxAir Mini Deluxe Trailer Roof Vent with 12V Fan # MA00-03801 is going to be a similar noise level to the larger fans, though some of those fans have multiple settings, and if you use them at the lowest level, they could be quieter than this fan, which has one speed.

That said, this unit does move a good amount of air, 200 cubic feet per minute, and it offers more value than larger fans due to it having a light and its price even though it is a powered lift. If you go to about the 1:15 mark of the linked video review of this fan you can hear the approximate noise level of the MaxxAir Mini Deluxe Trailer Roof Vent with 12V Fan # MA00-03801.

If you truly want something with minimal noise, you are better off going with a variable speed vent and putting it on the lowest setting, the MaxxFan Plus Roof Vent with 12 Volt Fan - Powered Lift - 10 Speed # MA00-04500K or MaxxFan Deluxe Roof Vent with 12V Fan - Manual Lift - 4 Speed # MA00-06401K.

I have added links to video reviews of those fans as well.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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