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Bike Rack Recommendations for a 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara With Rear Mounted Spare Tire  


I am trying to find a bike rack that will work with the receiver hitch on my 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara. The only solution I can think of to clear the spare tire mounted on the back is to use an extension like the #HE18 since none of the bike racks I have seen have a long enough bottom bar. I need to carry three bikes and most spare tire carriers only hold two. Is the extender a feasible solution or would it not handle the weight?


Expert Reply:

One thing to keep in mind when using a hitch extender like part # HE18 is that the overall weight capacity of your trailer hitch will be reduced by 50 percent due to the additional leverage that is applied by the hitch mounted accessory sitting further away from the trailer hitch.

If you have a class II or class III hitch on your 2010 Suzuki Grand Vitara, then the tongue weight capacity of your hitch is most likely 350 lbs. When you use a hitch extend it will be reduced to 175 lbs. The weight of a bike rack and three bikes cannot exceed the 175 lbs weight capacity.

Another option I recommend is measuring from the center of your hitch pin hole to the furthest rearward point of your spare tire. We do carry bike racks with longer shanks to accommodate for vehicles with rear spare tires like the Swagman Dispatch Bike Rack, # S44FR, that measures 12 inches from the center of the hitch pin hole to the uclosest point of the rack. If you want to send me that measurement, then I can check to see if we have a bike rack that will work for you.

If you plan on carrying any womens or childrens bikes, then I would also recommend picking up the Swagman Easy-Out Adapter Bar, # 64005. Some small or angled bike frames can be difficult to mount on a bike rack and this adapter will allow you to mount the bikes easily and safely.

expert reply by:
John H

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