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Roof Rack Fits and Suggestions for 2013 GMC Acadia  


I have a 2013 GMC Acadia...will this part fit?


Expert Reply:

We do offer many different roof rack fits for your Acadia, but unfortunately the SportRack # SR1099 isn't one of them.

Since your Acadia has the raised roof rails that run front to back along the edge of the roof, the # MPG201 would work well for you but because it uses square shaped crossbars, it'll be pretty noisy from the resistance of the wind hitting it. I'd recommend a quieter rack that uses aero-style crossbars such as the Malone AirFlow2, part # MPG216. The elliptical profiled crossbars will be much quieter than the square bars for just a few dollars more. As you can see by taking a look at the customer reviews, the AirFlow2 is very well received by our customers.

I've linked to some product demonstration videos.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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