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TorkLift Tie-Downs for 2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty with SuperHitch Original Trailer Hitch  


Hello, I want to confirm that the tie-downs i need are: f2012 and r3503 for my 2015 F350 super-duty...also, i will be purchasing the superhitch 20K for this is it the F1002? ok, next question, i want to install the tie-downs first, can this be done prior to install of the super hitch? thank you


Expert Reply:

The TorkLift Tie-Downs # TLF2012 and # TLR3503 are correct for your 2015 Ford F-350 Super Duty with the SuperHitch Original # TLF1002 as long as it's a short bed and you don't have a board or step that runs under the truck bed.

These tie-downs actually install directly to the trailer hitch so you'll need to install the hitch first, and then the tie-downs. Otherwise you'd need a different set of tie-downs and then you'll have to change the rear-most set out when you install the SuperHitch Original.

Since you plan on purchasing a SuperHitch I recommend installing that first and then getting the tie-downs.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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