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Roof Rack and Cargo Basket Recommendation for a 2010 Volvo XC90  


I would like to purchase a roof mounted cargo basket for my Volvo xc90 2010. I have the factory rails but not cross bars. It will be used infrequently but would like to have this option for storage on trips. From a to z what will I need to purchase. Ive looked on your site and noticed inexpensive solutions besides Thule what is the best bang for my buck?


Expert Reply:

The best bang for your buck would be the Rhino-Rack roof rack with the Vortex Aero Crossbars, # RRVA118B-2 for black or # RRVA118S-2 for silver and the SX series leg kit, # RRSX100. This roof rack will attach to the side rails on your roof and the elliptical crossbars cut down on wind noise and drag. This roof rack is very easy to install. I have attached an installation video for you to check out.

The weight capacity for these roof racks is 165 lbs, however, you should verify the weight capacity of your vehicles roof before loading any cargo. Exceeding your vehicles roof weight capacity could damage your vehicle. I have attached a link to all of the roof racks that we carry for your vehicle for you to check out.

If you would like a recommendation on a cargo basket, then I would recommend looking at either the Rhino-Rack Roof Mounted Cargo Basket, # RMCB, or the Thule Cargo Basket, # TH859XT.

The Rhino-Rack basket has an aerodynamic design and taller walls to secure your cargo. The Thule cargo basket is going to be a more cost effective option, and it has a little lower weight capacity of 150 lbs vs the 165 lbs of the # RMCB. Any time you are loading cargo, you should not exceed the weight rating of the lowest rated component. I have attached installation instructions for both cargo baskets for you to check out.

You could also take a look at the Surco Safari Rack, # SPS4560-1101. This cargo basket does not require crossbars because it can mount directly to the raised side rails plus the weight capacity is only limited to that of your vehicles roof weight capacity.

The only other items that you may want to pick up are rubber straps, # EM06736, or a cargo net like part # CS54FR to secure your cargo to the basket.

expert reply by:
John H

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