What is the Difference Between Pioneer and Backbone Systems for a 2020 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited
I have a 2020 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited and I'm looking to add the Rhinorack Backbone system with the Pioneer rack. What's the difference between JB0893 and JB0892 and which one would be better to use?
asked by: Brady
Expert Reply:
Great question! The Rhino-Rack Pioneer Platform Rack with Backbone Mounting System # JB0893 and # JB0892 are basically the same thing, but the difference is that the # JB0893 has the Rhino-Rack quick-release leg system. This means that if you plan on removing the platform rack and then putting it back on then this would be the better option because you just have to squeeze 2 levers on the inside of the feet instead of having to remove hardware.
Aside from that both systems are the same. From my experience people usually don't every take the platforms off once they are installed, but the quick-release feature is a very nice option to have so I recommend going with part # JB0893. Attached is a photo of that quick-release system inside the leg as well as this system being used for a roof rack system to give you an idea of how it works.