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Troubleshooting Kwikee 34 Series Steps Not Working  


My steps stopped working for no obvious reason. I performed all of the voltage checks in the Kwikee manual. i get 12 v every where except at the door sensor which reads 3 v. The light comes on and there is a double click sound when engaging the door sensor. I am not able check the wires to the motor due to the step being retracted, unless I cut into them. Any thoughts or suggestion would be appreciated. Glenn


Expert Reply:

It sounds like you might have a bad motor that needs to be replaced. I reached out to my contact at Lippert who said if you pull the 2-pin plug at the back of the motor and reverse the wires to see if that does anything to the motor then that will help determine if it needs to be replaced or not. If nothing happens then you need to replace the motor. You can choose from the following replacement motors depending on when your Kwikee 34 Series Steps were manufactured:

2000-2005 - # LC379608
2006-Dec 2018 - # LC379147
2019-Present - # LC62FR

expert reply by:
Jon G

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