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Trunk Mounted Bike Rack that Fits 2020 BMW X1  


Looking for a trunk mount bike rack for 2020 BMW X1. IT appears that the Malone is the only compatible one. I am not familiar with this company. Is this a good product? Is it suitable for a long trip, i.e. 1000 miles and will not damage the vehicle which is a leased vehicle? Why would the Thule Runway not work? Would that be a better choice?


Expert Reply:

Malone does make solid trunk mounted bike racks like the Hanger 3 part # MPG2139 which has been confirmed as a fit for your 2020 BMW X1. Thule does not have any fits for your vehicle currently. Maybe they will offer some but as of April 2020 they do not have any.

If you plan on carrying any womens or alternative framed bikes without horizontal top tubes you may also be interested in purchasing a Kuat Bike Frame Adapter Bar # UB01 to provide a horizontal top tube on your bikes to provide an attachment point. I attached a review video for this product also. This will allow the bikes to be carried more level and will provide more ground clearance.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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