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Is The Weight Capacity for Adarac Pro Series Custom Truck Bed Ladder Rack Moving or Stationary  


Ive looked for a few answers but there is not a concise answer on here. The total load rating cant be 500 moving and only 500 stationary. So which is this rack rated for? If it can haul 500 lbs in transit it would definitely hold more than that stationary. As a few have asked I am looking at a roof top tent and these racks seem great but they need clarification on the weight rating system.


Expert Reply:

The Adarac Pro Series Custom Truck Bed Ladder Racks like part # A4000950 have a 500 lb weight rating and they will work just fine for a rooftop tent. The 500 lb weight rating will be the same for both stationary and moving. I agree that this would then indicate the stationary weight capacity is likely higher but we cannot provide an exact capacity as the manufacturer simply does not do this sort of extensive testing.

The only type of ladder rack I am aware of which gives multiple weight capacity limits depending on conditions is Yakima with the Yakima OverHaul HD Adjustable Truck Bed Ladder Rack part # Y01151-59. The Yakima OverHaul does not provide the stationary vs. moving weight capacity you are looking for but it does provide an on-road weight capacity of 500 lbs and an off-road weight capacity of 300 lbs.

expert reply by:
Conner L

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