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Brake Controller on 2000 Ford F250 Not Receiving Power  


2000 f-250 super duty i pluged in a Prodigy P2 electric brake control and it wont activate, it works i know on another ford, the plugs right but theres no power and fuses are good ever here that one


Expert Reply:

Are you using a Wiring Adapter, such as our part number3035-P, or is the controller hardwired into the vehicle? I would begin by using a circuit tester like part # PTW2993 to check the black wire at the rear of the controller to make sure there is voltage reaching the controller. If not, the fuses that manage your towing circuits are not in the main fuse box, they are located in the engine compartment. Your owner's manual should mention the specific fuse to check. If the fuse checks out ok, the most expedient way to fix the problem would be to extend the 12 Volt power supply wire on the controller (black wire) to the positive battery terminal, via a 20- or 30-amp inline circuit breaker. The instructions for your brake controller should mention which breaker is needed.

If you click the provided link, you can see our brake controller troubleshooting article.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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