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Powering Back Up Lights on my Trailer  


I have a question about what kind of 12 volt relay I would need or if what Im trying to do will even work. I have a trailer that has lights on the back so we can see at night that are switched on and off from inside trailer and its all self powered by a battery in the trailer. I would also like for the lights in the back of trailer to come on when in reverse by the truck reverse wire on trailer harness . Is this possible with a relay and what kind would I need?


Expert Reply:

You can make this happen without much issue here. Simply use a length on 16 gauge wire part # 16-1-1 from the reverse wire in your 7 -way wiring on the trailer and run it back to both of the lights on your trailer. You can use a tester like part # PTW2992 This will cause the lights to come on when you put the vehicle in reverse or when you turn the lights on manually in the trailer. Part # DW05744-5 Will give you heat shrink butt connectors to make your splices and keep them protected from the elements.

expert reply by:
Randy B

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