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Does Brophy Ball Platform Have Vertical Adjustment Holes 1-1/4 Apart on Center  


Will the Brophy RTB1 ball mount adapter work on a shank that is 2 inches wide with holes spaced 1 1/4 inches apart? The diameter of the holes is 3/4 inch. I do not know what brand of shank I have.


Expert Reply:

According to the review video we have of the Brophy # RTB1 ball platform those holes used to vertically adjust this piece are 2" apart on center. It kind of sounds like you have a shank for a weight distribution system as the 1-1/4" height measurement tends to be a standard with those.

Since the head unit for a weight distribution system tends to be a bit pricey I recommend just replacing the whole thing with a more cost-effective whole unit like the Convert-a-Ball # TK5007 or even the Curt # C45901.

I've attached review videos of each that you can check out. To complete the setup you need a hitch ball with a 1" shank like the part # 40038 as well as a hitch pin like the locking # e98880.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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