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Alternative Bike Rack to Kuat NV 2.0 Base for 2020 Kia Sportage  


I saw the Kuat rack in another car and fell in love....i have a garage full of discounted piece of crap carriers so this time i want a good one, problem is that i need a 3 bike carrier sometimes my son occasionally rides with us so i would have to go with the Kuat NV base and then along the road buy the extension.... Question: What other brand, of course solid like Kuat, with a bike lock or ability to incorporate one, i can buy it separately that would allow me to add extensions or an addtional bike? Thank you very much


Expert Reply:

The Kuat NV 2.0 Base # BA22B is probably my favorite bike rack that we carry, and part of that is because you can add the extension # BA02B down the road if need be.

An alternative option that I like is the Yakima HoldUp 2 Bike Rack # Y02443 which is comparable on all metrics aside from that it can only handle up to 3" wide tires as opposed to 4.8" wide tires like the Nv 2.0 Base.

You can eventually add the Plus 2 2-Bike Add-On # Y02446 and then if you want to match all of the lock cores you can use part # Y07204.

Attached are some review videos for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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