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Are There Bike Rack Limits for Stealth Hitches Hidden Trailer Hitch that Fits 2020 Volvo XC90  


1. What bike racks can we use for this? 2. How many bikes or what is the weight limit for the bike rack that you recommend with this trailer hitch? We are looking at this and comparing with the Volvo VCC-516542/2020. It is limited to 2 bikes with the bike rack. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

When you have the hitch accessory opening installed on the Stealth Hitch part # SH27FRT for your 2020 Volvo XC90 you really can use any bike rack designed for a 2 inch hitch. The tongue weight capacity of this would easily handle the weight as it's rated for up to 600 lbs tongue weight. There really isn't a downside to this setup as you get a very high quality hitch setup with plenty of capacity that can be totally hidden when not in use.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Mae F. profile picture

Mae F.


1. What bike racks can we use for this? 2. How many bikes or what is the weight limit for the bike rack that you recommend with this trailer hitch? We are looking at this and comparing with the Volvo VCC-516542/2020. It is limited to 2 bikes with the bike rack. Thanks!

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


Yes this hitch would work great to carry a 4-bike Thule bike rack like the Thule Hitching Post part # TH934XTR that you mentioned. This rack is sometimes known as the Trailway from other distributors.

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