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2013 Ford F250 Showing Trailer Wiring Fault Without Trailer Plugged In  


I was driving my f250 and the wiring fault on trailer warning popped up. I hit ok and it went away. I drive the truck later and it came back in after about five minute. There is no trailer currently hooked to the truck. I am however supposed to pull my camper next week. Just wondering if you had any idea what could be going on?


Expert Reply:

Typically when this happens without a trailer being connected, it's because of dirt or corrosion in your trailer connector. Take a look at the pins on the 7-way connector. If you see any green or white corrosion on the blades, use a piece of sand paper to clean the pins back down to bare metal. This usually fixes the problem, but if it doesn't it's possible that the corrosion has spread to the interior of the connector, and is causing a short or a bleed over from one circuit to the next. In that case, I'd recommend replacing the connector with # HM40975.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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