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Why Would Radial Tire with Lower Ply and PSI Rating Have Higher Weight Rating than Bias Ply  


I’m wondering why this 6 ply radial tire has a higher load rating at 50 psi than some bias ply tires with 8 or 10 ply running 65 or 80 psi? Just not making sense to me.


Expert Reply:

Radial and bias ply tires are totally different constructions which is partially why the ply ratings and capacities don't match up with the weight capacities. Also ply ratings and weight capacities have evolved over years as lower ply rating tires are now coming with higher capacities due to improvements in tire construction design. Most advancements in tire designs are in the radials as they are generally preferred which is why they seem to be creeping ahead in most aspects while not being drastically more expensive to bias ply tires like in the past.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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