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Shore Power RV Connection is Melting  


Since I had the cord 2014 rpod 17 ft. And did have a discolored plug when I purchased it in October 2019. As I detached it, Yesterday, it was melting around one of the plastic connected to prongs near the plug and was hot, but also was not screwed in tight with the ring. Should I just get a replacement cord, or get it to camping world for them to check it ?


Expert Reply:

To be perfectly honest, unless you're pretty knowledgeable when it comes to RV wiring, you'd be well served by having somebody look at your travel trailer.

The discoloration you mention tells me that this has probably been an ongoing problem, and you'd be best off getting it checked out before something bad happens. The power pedestals at RV parks are supposed to be circuit protected, but how well things at RV parks are maintained can vary greatly, as you've likely seen.

The Mighty Cord # A10-3025EDBK would be a fine replacement for the 30Amp service on your Rpod. If you need to replace the power inlet, use # A10-30INBKVP which is compatible with the threaded locking ring on the # A10-3025EDBK cord you'd looked at.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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