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Trailer Tire and Aluminum Wheel in Size ST205/75R15 with Load Range D  


I need a D rated tire, love the Westlake warranty and roadside assistance, and this wheel is killer, matching my car very closely. But why would I move to a D rated tire but put it on a wheel only rated for 1,820 lbs? What am I not understanding?


Expert Reply:

It is odd to put a higher rated tire on a lower rated wheel like the part # LHAW320 but it can work for you as long as you'd only need the lower wheel capacity. If you need something with a higher weight capacity and is also on a great aluminum wheel the part # AM39053 would be the best route. It has a capacity of 2,150 lbs so it would have a higher overall capacity than what you mentioned.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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