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Recommendation For Spare Tire Mount Bike Rack on 2007 Toyota RAV4  


Which is the strongest rack, the Thule963XTR or the Hollywood HRSR2 ?


Expert Reply:

For your 2007 Toyota RAV4, I recommend the Thule Spare Me 2 Bike Carrier Spare Tire Mount With Integrated Cable Lock # TH963PRO, as the Hollywood Racks SR2 2 Bike Carrier Spare Tire Mount #HRSR2 will not fit your vehicle. I have linked to an instruction guide for the proper installation of this item as well as a review video.

If your vehicle has a tire-mounted back-up camera, the Thule Bike Carrier will not fit.

While we do not have an installation video for the Thule Spare Me 2 Bike Carrier for your vehicle, we do have a video showing this product being installed on a 2009 Toyota RAV4 and I have included a link to it.

In reference to the strength of the respective racks, both are designed to hold 2 bikes with a total weight of 75 lbs.

If you intend to carry womens or childrens bikes that do not come equipped with a horizontal bar, I recommend the Thule Bike Adapter Bar # TH982XT. It provides level transportation of these types of bikes and gives more ground clearance and I am providing a link to a review video on this product.

expert reply by:
Brandon M

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