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Does S64031 Anti-Rattle Hitch Lock Replace Hitch Pin Included w/ Swagman S64671 XTC2-Tilt Bike Rack  


I have assembled and installed the rack. So far, so good! Now I need to add the extra locking device #64031. It looks like the device is intended to REPLACE the supplied main bolt that fixes the rack to the trailer hitch. Is that how it is? Corollary question: will I always need a wrench to remove or re-install the rack?


Expert Reply:

The Swagman Anti-Rattle Hitch and Cable Lock, part # S64031 will indeed replace the hitch pin that's included with the bike. You will need a wrench to install/remove the rack, but it's not really a big deal. I went to the local discount hardware store (Harbor Freight or Northern Tool) and purchased a cheap 3/4 inch socket and ratchet handles for less than $ 10.00. You can just leave that in the cargo area of your vehicle so you'll always have it and the ratchet will be a lot quicker than a wrench.

I've linked to a video showing how the # S64031 lock works.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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