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E-Bike Carrier Recommendation for Fat E-Bike with Fenders  


Hi I am looking for a Dual Fat Tire 4-1/4 E Bike carrier for the back of my 5th Wheel Trailer with a hitch tongue weight of 350 lbs. Each bike has fenders and without the battery weighs about 70 lbs. Can you recommend a E Bike carrier? If not a e bike carrier, wouldnt a motorcycle carrier work since they are built to carry much more weight than an 70 lb. e bike? Just not sure about on the back of a 5th Wheel.


Helpful Expert Reply:

The Hollywood Racks RV Rider part # HLY64FR would be perfect for what you are looking for. It has an 80 lb per bike weight capacity, has wheel hoops wide enough for 5 inch wide tires, and is approved for use at the rear of a fifth wheel trailer like what you have as well. Since it grabs the bikes by the frames as well your fenders would not be a problem either.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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