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Which Platform Bike Rack Is Easier to Load the Bikes Into- Kuat Transfer 2 or RockyMounts Monorail 2  


How difficult is this rack to load for a petite but strong under 5’ woman? I’m debating between this and the cheaper price and quality? Kuat. I know the walk thru design of the Kuat is helpful but not sure I want to sacrifice quality.


Expert Reply:

Platform racks are definitely the easiest bike racks to load up since you really only need to get the bike about 20-25" off the ground, so you're on the right track with the style of rack that you're looking at. I really think RockyMounts makes a solid rack at a great price, so the Monorail 2 # RKY10004 is a good choice; additionally, it comes with both a hitch lock and locks for the bikes, so you're getting added protection for your investments.

When it comes to the Kuat Transfer 2 # KU84FR, it's a very high quality rack that also mounts the bikes by the wheels and has many of the same other functions as the Monorail 2, so it really comes down to the walk through design, which is helpful when it comes to ease of loading.

If I had to choose one, it seems like you're likely going to have a bit of an easier time loading the bikes into the Kuat Transfer 2 # KU84FR, so that would be my recommendation in this case. I do recommend adding the locks, since it doesn't come with any but it's still a very high quality rack.

I've linked some review videos of these parts for you to have a look at, in case you haven't already seen them.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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