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Replacement Components For A Damaged Demco DA91Coupler  


Hello and I hope you are all safe and well... We have a 2012 dual axel 4000lb trailer with hydraulic brakes that has been had major water damage to the actuator and fluid container - see the photos below. You will notice it has side mounting brackets that I cant see in any of the current Demco literature so perhaps this model with the horizontal mounting brackets has been discontinued?. Are you able to supply me with all the internal parts of this unit so I dont have to change the existing trailer mounting setup? Or it may be cheaper to just buy the same unit with different mounts and we can strip out the new parts from the doner unit - perhaps Item # DM8759432 - the channel down model with manual reverse lockout please - in zinc of possible or else primed will do. We will also need a matching Adjustable Channel Mount preferably with a 2 eZ latch Coupler. I hope this all makes sense and that you can help us... Regards


Expert Reply:

Yes the internal components for the Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuator - Drum - Primed - 12" Adjustable Channel Down - 8,000 lbs Item # DM8759432 are the same as your current DA91 coupler. We only offer two with the manual lockout with the adjustable channel but not the adjustable channel down. One is the Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuator w/ Manual Lockout - Primed - 8" Adjustable Channel - 8,000 lbs Item # DM8759933 and the other is Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuator w/ Manual Lockout - Drum - Zinc - 8" Adjustable Channel - 8K Item # DM8760011. Both internal components are compatible with your DA91.

As far as a coupler, the Demco Trailer Coupler - Adjustable Channel Mount - eZ-Latch - Silver - 2" Ball - 10,000 lbs Item # DM14976-52 is compatible.

expert reply by:
Shane H

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