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Best Timbren Suspension Enhancement for 2019 Ford F-250 Super Duty With Constant Load  


Greetings from Mississippi! I have a customer with a 2019 F250SD 2WD truck with a service body installed w/ 31K miles. His company is an Electrical Contractor so their trucks stay loaded all the time. He is complaining of the truck squatting in the rear and even worse when pulling a trailer. At rest the overloads are approx 3/8 inch from the stops and there is 4 inch of distance from the frame to the rear axle where the factory bump stops are located now. They brought the truck in to have new rear springs installed but instead I am going to recommend a Timbren load support kit. Which kit do you think best suits their needs? As stated before these trucks stay heavy all the time. Thanks


Expert Reply:

For your customer with a 2019 Ford F-250 Super Duty with a consistent load in the bed of the truck the best Timbrens are the Timbren Suspension Enhancement System # TFR250SDJ.

These have an 8,600 lbs capacity so they are going to offer a ton of support and help with the handling and sag that your customer is having trouble with but without making the ride really rough. There is another kit, the Timbren Suspension Enhancement System # TFRTT350J, but these are extremely rigid, don't have the give of the other system, and can make a ride very rough. They are really only for service vehicles like tow trucks, and it seems like your customer has a standard F-250 that used for their business.

So to get really good support while maintaining a decent ride I definitely recommend the Timbren Suspension Enhancement System # TFR250SDJ.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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