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Can I Use Tie Down Anchors From a Long Bed 2000 F-250 on a Short Bed 2000 F-250  


Someone gave us a torklift set for a 00/01 Ford long bed but we have a short bed. Can we make them work? How different are the brackets?


Expert Reply:

It would depend on whether or not there is a running board or step that goes underneath the truck bed, but even assuming that their camper tie downs are off a F-250/F-350 without the board or step and using a factory hitch, there will be different components for either the front or the back. The 2001 Ford F-250 and F-350 both use the same rear # TLF3001 tie down, but the front tie down you would need is the # TLF2007.

The brackets and how they connect to the truck will be different in the front, but you'd be able to use the same rear tie downs assuming that they also used a # TLF3001.

If they had a different setup, you would need a completely new tie down setup using the parts mentioned above, which are a confirmed fit on your 2000 Ford F-250 or F-350.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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