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What are the Dimensions of the Roadmaster 8 inch High - Low Hitch Adapter for Towing My 2004 Jeep  


what is the length between the adpaterpin hole to 45 degree brace? My bumper extends about 4.5 inches beyond the face of the hitch receiver on the RV


Expert Reply:

The length from the center of the hitch pin hole to the angled brace is 4-1/2 inches. The measurement from the center of the hitch pin hole to the center of the receiver pin hole is 10-3/4 inches.

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Bob G
Bob L. profile picture

Bob L.


I have a 2018 Tiffin Red 37BA motor home. I tow a 2013 Ford Edge. The distance from the Ford Edge towing pin holes is 25". The distance to the Red receiving hitch hole is 17". It looks to me like I need an 8" lift. the information I have reviewed on your website looks like the Roadmaster RM-048-8 would be the adapter I would need. However, the bumper on my Red extends 7.5" at the top of the adapter and the adapter only gives me 7.25" when I need at least 8". The angled brace is not a problem. Do I have the measurements right? If so, do you have a solution to my problem?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


Technically the 8" rise you mentioned needing is correct, although you could get away with a bit less - we just recommend getting within 3" of level. Would a lower rise allow the receiver to sit below the RV's bumper? If so, you could use the Roadmaster # RM-048-6, which features a 6" rise. This is still enough to get you within the 3" "Safety Zone".

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