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Thule Probars Compatibility with Channel Mounted Accessories  


Hi, I could not find specific accessories meant to fit the Thule Probars Thule does not provide a lot of info. What can be mounted for water toys accessories and other and what kind of hardware Tee nuts? can I use if I purchase these bars? Do you have a profile diagram with dimensions by any chance? Best regards


Expert Reply:

We do not have a profile diagram, however the Thule ProBar Evo 69" # TH713600 or 79" # TH713700 are designed to have channels like the aerobars and will fit the same accessories because the channels are the same. The biggest benefit to the ProBar is the channel underneath runs the entire distance of the bar so they can be trimmed to any desired length and they also have a second channel with the same dimensions as the top channel for more accessories.

Basically any accessory that fits the top mounted channel of the aero bars will also fit the Probars top or rear channel. These accessories can use T-bolts like # 853208914 as you stated or the threaded washer/nut and bolts like # MPG8287.

expert reply by:
Jason S
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