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Recommended Flat Towing Parts Needed for 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee  


We just purchased a 2021 jeep grand cherokee to tow behind our RV. What specific parts do I need to purchase to tow it and is there any cutting of the fascia?


Expert Reply:

A complete flat towing setup consists of base plates, a tow bar, safety cables, tow bar wiring, supplemental braking and potentially a high/low adapter, and I can help you find all of those parts and get you on the road with your 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee in tow.

For base plates I recommend using the Roadmaster Direct-Connect Base Plate Kit - Removable Arms # RM-521440-5 because of the quality of Roadmaster towing components. These base plates come with removable arms that will keep your factory look when you're not towing, and the durable powder coat will help protect everything from rust and corrosion that might occur over time.

For a compatible tow bar with the Roadmaster EZ5 direct connect base plates I recommend using the Roadmaster Falcon All Terrain, Non-Binding Tow Bar - Motorhome Mount - 2" Hitch - 6,000 lbs # RM-522. This is a non-binding tow bar, meaning that it allows you to release your vehicle at any time, anywhere - even on unlevel ground, and the telescoping arms allow you to easily maneuver the vehicle. When it comes to trimming, there is some trimming of the air deflector, which is shown in the attached installation video around the 18 minute mark- it doesn't effect the look of the vehicle at all though and all happens behind the fascia.

For tow bar wiring I recommend using the RoadMaster Falcon 2 and Falcon All-Terrain Combo Towing Kit with Straight Wiring # RM-9243-1, which comes with safety cables and a tow bar cover included. This wiring kit contains 4 Hy-Power diodes to connect the towed vehicle's electrical system with your RV's, and the diodes will prevent any feedback from damaging the RV's electrical system in the event of a short circuit. This kit also comes with 2 Keyed-alike steel padlocks for quick disconnects, so your investments are always protected.

For supplemental braking I recommend using the Roadmaster InvisiBrake Supplemental Braking System # RM-8700, which provides proportional braking for your 2021 Grand Cherokee and is a fixed system that doesn't need to be installed and taken out after each use. Because this system activates in conjunction with the RV's brake lights, there's no false braking and will help prolong the life of your dinghy's brakes over the long haul.

For a high/low adapter, you'll need to take some measurements, so I've linked a helpful article on how exactly to measure to find out if you'll need one or not; the goal is to keep your tow bar within 3" from completely level with the ground, so it depends on the height of your hitch receiver and the base plates. I've also linked our entire selection of high/low adapters for you to check out.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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