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Comparing Gen-Y Torsion Cushioned Ball Mount and Curt Rebellion XD  


How does the Curt Rebellion XD Shock Absorbing Adjustable Ball Mount compare to the Gen-y torsion flex hitch. Are these the only two of their kind that minimize shock?


Expert Reply:

The Curt Rebellion XD like part # C45949-2516 and the Gen-Y Torsion 2-Ball Mount # 325-GH-1124 are the two most advanced cushioned ball mounts. As far as cushioning goes the Gen-Y is the winner as it has a design that allows for more cushioning movement and from our experience works so well it actually improves fuel mileage.

Now the Curt Rebellion is a really solid option and does a great job but it won't cushion quite as much. It does have a weight advantage though as it weighs 44 lbs and the Gen-Y weighs 92 so that's something to consider as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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