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Highest Capacity Fifth Wheel Hitch and Gooseneck Solution for 2006 Dodge Ram 3500  


Im taking the bed off my RAM 3500 truck to do some work on it this weekend and am thinking about replacing the 5th wheel wail Im at it. My current 5th wheel is setup for 36,000 lbs. and is used for commercial hauling. I would like to upgrade it to a gooseneck system with a 5th wheel that can be installed on the fly. I also need it to support as close to the 36,000 lbs. weight limit that I am already setup for. What unit do you recommend I consider using?


Expert Reply:

The problem is we don't have any gooseneck setups that have a 36k capacity at all, and the options that allow for both gooseneck and fifth wheel have considerably lower capacity than you'd need.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Samuel C. profile picture

Samuel C.


Im taking the bed off my RAM 3500 truck to do some work on it this weekend and am thinking about replacing the 5th wheel wail Im at it. My current 5th wheel is setup for 36,000 lbs. and is used for commercial hauling. I would like to upgrade it to a gooseneck system with a 5th wheel that can be installed on the fly. I also need it to support as close to the 36,000 lbs. weight limit that I am already setup for. What unit do you recommend I consider using?

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


The highest capacity option would be the Curt A25 hitch part # C16180 which has a 25k capacity with the rail kit part # C16420-204. And then to convert to a gooseneck hitch you'd need to use the part # 16085 which fits that rail kit and has a 25k capacity.

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