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Is There a Weight Capacity for TorkLift Locking FastGun Turnbuckles  


To you have the rating for the fast gun in pounds ? per fast gun I already have a set but I was asked what they were rated for and I had no answer


Expert Reply:

I reached out to TorkLift and they told me that while the FastGun turnbuckles do not have a specific weight capacity in regards to the camper, they are designed to hold down a camper at the anchor point with 300 lbs of pull-down force per turnbuckle (so 1,200 lbs per set of our). The pull-down force is significant because it is what ensures the stability of the camper when anchored.

That said, we have also been told in the past by TorkLift that the anchors are designed to hold the largest campers in the industry, so a specific capacity is likely not needed as they are meant to be used with any available camper. The TorkLift Locking FastGun Turnbuckles come in a quantity of four with different color options.

- Polished Stainless Steel: TorkLift Locking FastGun Turnbuckles # TLS9526-2-LK

- Black: TorkLift Locking FastGun Turnbuckles # TLS9529-2-LK

- Gray: TorkLift Locking FastGun Turnbuckles # TLS9522-2-LK

I have added a link below to a video review for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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