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Troubleshooting Voyager Wired RV Backup Camera  


no cable to connect to camera or lcd. Any suggestions on what to get for this?


Expert Reply:

Sounds like you have a system like the Voyager RV Observation Camera System w/ Monitor and Mount # VOM43HDCL1B. I attached our review video of this system which explains the different features, wiring harnesses, and shows how the system looks uninstalled.

The first step I suggest to troubleshooting is to make sure all the major components are connected properly. In our video we have the backup camera connected to the additional wiring harness which is plugged into a 12v power source and also connects the LCD monitor. Camera, power, and monitor are the main things you need to check.

Once those are all connected and verified working, you can then connect and check your trigger wires. Those are the green, blue, and brown colored wires that connect to your reverse system or your running lights depending on how you want to use this camera system.

If you find any of your connections or components are faulty, we have replacement parts like Replacement 12-Volt DC Power Cord # PXXWVOM541HAR or additional cameras # VCMS20B.

expert reply by:
Evangeline M

Caleb M.


no cable to connect to camera or lcd. Any suggestions on what to get for this?

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