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Best Bike Rack Options For 2016 Toyota Rav4  


Whats the best bike rack for a 2106 Rav4? I want something that will allow me access to the trunk when its on, not be expensive and allow me to use my rear camera. Does anything such rack exist?


Expert Reply:

If you don't have one already, a 2 inch hitch # e98864 is ideal because you have much more options when it comes to accessories such as bike racks and cargo carriers # e98874. My favorite bike rack is the NV 2.0 # BA22B because it can handle almost any bike you throw at it, but with any rack you will have some vision taken away when using your rear camera. You will still be able to use your backup camera but not as well. Both the carrier and this rack will allow hatch access when the bikes/cargo is loaded. It can carry up to 60 lbs per bike and can fit fat tire bikes as well using the adapter kit # APBK. It also comes in metallic black # NV22B and grey # NV22G. You can add one # KU97FR or two bikes # BA02B to the end of it which is nice for your growing hobby or family.

If you have a 1-1/4 inch hitch # C12108 I recommend getting the Kuat Sherpa which comes in Pearl # SH12P, Black # SH12B or grey # SH12G. This is only for 2 bikes and can only hold up to 40 lbs per bike.

If you have a 1-1/4 inch hitch and you're needing more than 2 bikes, you will have to go with a hanging style rack like the Thule Hitching Post Pro # TH934XTR. This is a more basic rack but will get the job done.

I've included videos of me using these racks to help you with your decision.

expert reply by:
Adam E

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