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Replacement Wheel Bearings EZTB 14 800 Boat Trailer  


Hi, Can someone tell me what bearings I need for the above referenced model EZ Loader boat trailer. No marina around can seem to tell me without bringing the trailer in. Which i cant do because the bearings are bad. Thank you.


Expert Reply:

There isn't a publicly-available database that would allow me look up which bearings your boat trailer used. If you provide me with the VIN of the trailer, I can contact EZ Loader for the information but the easiest way to determine what replacement bearings are needed would be to pull one hub and obtain the bearing numbers off the sides of the cages on the inner and outer wheel bearings. There should be a reference number etched on the side of each bearing cage.

If there is no number, I can figure it out based on the inside diameter of the inner and outer bearing. You'll also need a replacement grease seal, in order to recommend the correct seal, I'll need to know the diameter of the spindle where the seal rides. These measurements need to be super-precise, so using a tape or a ruler won't be accurate enough. I'd recommend using a digital caliper like # PTW80157.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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