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Difference Between Küat NV22G NV 2.0 and 2.0 Base BA22B Bike Racks  


Which would be the better fit, and fit on the Toyota RAV4 2012 with the factory spare tire on the back? Why? Measured from the pin hole in the Curt aftermarket hitch, to clear the spare tire is about 64+2 in the photo. So the tongue of the rack needs to clear that 6inch before the first bike position AND properly secure in the fold up position. What are the differences between the two racks? Do both have same clearance?


Expert Reply:

The only difference between the Küat NV 2.0 # NV22G and the NV 2.0 Base, part # BA22B is the color and the fact that the # NV22G includes the bike repair stand which is sold separately with the 2.0 Base # BA22B.

I didn't understand the measurement you typed, but if the hitch pin hole to furthest part of the rear face of the spare tire is less than 6-5/8 inches, either rack would install just find and be able to fold up into the storage position. The Base model offers a little more clearance, at 7 inches.

Other than that, the racks are almost identical. You can see demonstration videos for both racks by using the provided links.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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