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Pack'em Ladder Rack Tower Thickness Differences and Weight Capacity  


Hi, Im looking at both ladder racks #PK-28WL2-BMH and -BM. The article/answer by Chris R. states that -BMH is heavier gauge steel and can carry more weight than the -BM. Is the heavier-duty one less money? Also, specs for both units say the weight capacity for each ladder is 75 lbs. Does the heavier-gauge unit -BMH have a higher weight capacity, as Chris R. put in his article? Or are they the same? Thank you for your help! I would love an answer asap as I need to order.


Expert Reply:

The Pack'em Ladder Rack # PK-28WL2-BMH towers are made of a heavier steel due to it having limited mounting points to fit on a utility trailer. This is why the steel is heavier to better support the weight of the accessories being carried. This does not allow for any extra weight to be loaded on the brackets.

The Pack'em Ladder Rack # PK-28WL2-BM being designed for use on enclosed trailers will allow you to mount the towers at the top and bottom therefore it does not need as much structural strength that the utility trailer version requires.

expert reply by:
Bud M

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