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What is the Difference Between HappiJack Electric Jack and Swing Out Bracket Stability  


Im assuming that the difference in the 2 products available for extending happijack camper jacks are that one is fixed and the other can be moved in for travel? Are the fixed brackets more stable overall?


Helpful Expert Reply:

You are correct that the difference between using the standard mounting option on the HappiJac Electric Truck Camper Jack System # LC736515-ELKIT and adding the Swing Out Extension Brackets for HappiJac Truck Camper Jack Systems # LC182496 is that the standard jacks are static and the swing out bracket provide additional clearance from the truck. There is not a noticeable difference in the stability between the static and swing out brackets, but you'll really only need these swing out brackets if you've got a dually truck; otherwise there's no real benefit to using them.

expert reply by:
Erik B

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