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Is There a 12 Volt Male End Wire For MaxxFan Dome MA00-03812B  


Hi, I would like to run this fan off of the 12v plug on our Jackery 500 in our Tear camper. The vent will be in the ceiling and I want to run the wire down to the Jackery. I was wondering if you sold a wire with a 12v male end that I could hook to the wire on the vent. Do you also sell an electrical box with a flat cover so I can connect the wire in the box? That way if the vent dies I can just unhook the wiring in the box, and install a new fan. Im picturing the wire from the vent going into an electrical box, and connecting to either the wire with the 12v male end, or an intermediate wire that would go between the vent and the 12v male end. The ceiling thickness is about an 1.5inch so its too shallow for a standard electrical box. Thanks in advance


Expert Reply:

There is not a 12 volt wire with a male end or an electrical box with a flat cover available to wire in the MaxxFan Dome Roof Vent w/ 12V Fan - 6" Diameter - Manual Lift - Black # MA00-03812B.

The only other parts we offer for the install of this vent is the Roof Vent Installation Kit - Sealant, Butyl Tape, Screws - White # 344270KITW.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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