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Recommended Roof Rack And Kayak Carrier For A 2019 Kia Sportage  


We have a naked roof 2019 Kia Sportage we would like to carry two kayaks on top they weigh 35 and 39 pounds. Is this a good roof rack to have?


Expert Reply:

A good rack for your 2019 Kia Sportage is the Inno Square bar system you were looking at. All you need is the Inno Square Crossbars # INB137 the feet # INSUT and the Custom Fit Kit # INK686. It's pretty simple to use and has locking caps so it won't go anywhere!

If you wanted something super simple that you can use on almost any car, truck or SUV grab these monkey bars # 298-SX6000B. They just suck onto your roof so if you're not sure how your getting to the water, you don't have to worry about having to take your car. You can let someone else drive! It's a nice feature that you only get with the SeaSucker bars and a naked roof.

Square bars can be used with this carrier # e98878 and I've used this many times. It's awesome! It adjusts so you can make it fit your kayak just right. Grab two of them and you'll have everything you need to tie them down!

Check out my video to see how it works!

expert reply by:
Adam E

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