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Is There An Adapter to Convert My Dodge 7-way Connector To A 6-Pole Trailer Connector  


My dodge truck has the 7 pole rv connection. All my trailes have 6 pole. What wiring changes do I have to make in the adapter so it will work properly?


Expert Reply:

We have several adapters that will plug into the factory 7-way connector on your Dodge Truck and allow you to plug your trailer 6-pole connector directly into the adapter without making any wiring changes. Any of the following items will work to make your connection to the trailer hassle free.

Adapter 7 Pole to 6 Pole - Universal, item # 47549
Adapter 7 Pole to 6 Pole Universal with LED Tester, item # 47525
Adapter 7 Pole to 6 Pole and 4 Pole with Cover - Universal, item # 47565

I would recommend the last item # 47565 which will provide you with two adapters in one.

You may need to change the electric brake pole or 12 volt Hot pole on the 6-pole end of the adapter and all of these adapters allow for that.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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