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Troubleshooting A Noisy Atwood Air Command RV Air Conditioner Rooftop Unit  


Installed the Atwood Air Command Rooftop RV Air Conditioner - 11.3 Amps - 13,500 Btu - Ducted back in June it was an easy install per your helpful videos. Have used it twice now on two camping trips, we have noticed a noise “ thump” when the compressor kicks on and kicks off loud enough to be noticeable. Any idea what might cause that? Any recommendations on correcting that issue?


Helpful Expert Reply:

It's most likely the start capacitor causing the thumping noise you're hearing when your Atwood Air Command Rooftop Unit # AT15032-22 is kicking on. To combat that you can install the SoftStartRV Soft Start for RV AC Units # SSR54FR. You could also have a loose or dirty filter which you can replace with the # AT15066.

You also have some loose screws or bolts holding the condenser down, so I recommend removing the shroud and checking to make sure everything is properly tightened down and that there isn't any debris inside your unit. I also recommend having a licensed technician check the Freon levels because too much or too little can also cause your condenser to make noise.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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