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Voyager RV Observation Camera Not Working  


I have a 38 foot RV with Voyager camera system It works when I back up and when I turn right or left but quit while I travel down the road straight ahead . It was working fine but I dont know where to start to look for the problem All the wires appear to be connected to the monitor


Expert Reply:

If your Voyager RV Observation Camera # VOM43HDCL1B was working but now it is isn't you can start by checking your ground wires, ensure they are not loose or have become corroded or damaged. Next check your trigger wires, specifically the one you have wired to stay on all the time, make sure it is also not damaged and still properly connected.

It also would not be a bad idea to use a multimeter # PT89ZR to check all your connections are getting the proper voltage when they're supposed to.

expert reply by:
Bryce D

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