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Recommended Flat Towing Setup For 2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk 4WD  


I have a 2021 Jeep Cherokee Trailhawk 4wd that I am wanting to tow behind my motorhome. What all do I need to do this?


Expert Reply:

We have all of the parts you are needing.

First things first you will need to add a base plate kit to your 2021 Jeep Grand Cherokee Trailhawk 4WD. I recommend the Roadmaster Direct Connect Base Plate Kit # RM-521451-5 due to it having removeable arms so when you are done flat towing you they can be removed keeping a near factory appearance to the front of your Jeep.

For a compatible tow bar I recommend going with the Roadmaster Falcon All-Terrain # RM-522 as it has a 6000lb which will be perfect for your Cherokee, and due to its non-binding arms that allow you to quickly and easily unhook the tow bar from your vehicle even when you are parked on un-even terrain.

Next you will need safety cables and tow bar wiring which can all be found in the RoadMaster Falcon 2 and Falcon All-Terrain Combo Towing Kit with Straight Wiring # RM-9243-1. Along with the safety cables, 6-way connector, wiring and diodes, and 6-way to 7-way cord you also get locks to keep the tow bar secured to your vehicle, and a storage case for when the tow bar is not in use.

Most states require a supplemental braking system now but even if the area you are in does not I still recommend going with one as without one you will be relying on the brakes of your tow vehicle to stop the extra weight of your Jeep which will increase the wear and tear on your tow vehicle, but also drastically reduce the effectiveness of your brakes. For a supplemental braking system I recommend going with the Blue Ox Patriot # BLU37TR as it is very easy to install, and since it gets completely removed when you are done flat towing you can use it in multiple vehicles if needed.

Lastly you will likely need a high-low adapter to level your tow bar to your tow vehicle so I have included a link to a help article that goes over how to measure for the correct adapter, and a link to our selection of high-low adapters for you to look through.

It is important to check the recreational towing section of your owner's manual for any flat towing restrictions, and for any special steps required to make your vehicle ready to be flat towed.

I included videos of the recommended products for you to take a look at.

expert reply by:
Samuel C

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