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Installing a Stop/Tail/Turn Signal Light on the Rear of a Trailer  


I need to put a trailer light on a mast that extends past the rear of the trailer. I already have a wired extension to the area. Is there a LED light that will illuminate with taillights, stop and both turns?


Expert Reply:

One light to rule them all so to speak. Theoretically, you could use any LED stop/tail/turn light. You would have to splice in the left turn and right turn wires to the same brake/turn signal wire on the light you choose to make it light up with both turn signals. However this could cause some bleed over so when the left turn signal is on the right turn signal could light up some.

To avoid this you would install diodes in line with the stop/turn wires from the regular trailer tail lights that lead to the single light. You can use diodes # RM-690. The diode acts as a 1-way gate. It will allow power to flow through it in only one direction which will eliminate the bleed over.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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