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Determining Which Replacement Trailer Jack Fits Dorsey Malibu Boat Trailer  


I need to replace the trailer jack to my Dorsey Malibu Boat Trailer. Serial Number 4TBBT21162K000652. You can see the jack part with the wheel bent. There was a lot of play with the jack either down to raise or lower the trailer, or in stowed. It locked but not very well, which is how this bent. Thanks.


Expert Reply:

I would be happy to help, but I have no way of looking your trailer by the serial number to determine which replacement side mount jack is correct.

Based on the picture you provided of the jack on your Dorsey Malibu Boat Trailer a standard bolt on jack like the Fulton Bolt-Thru Swivel Marine Jack with Dual Wheels # F27CR may likely work as it mounts to the trailer bracket with a center bolt like your jack.

You can confirm this by comparing the dimensions of your trailer jack mount to the picture of the mount included with the # F27CR. As long as the bracket matches this would be a great option. This specific jack offers 12" of lift and has a 1500lb weight capacity.

If you find your bracket has a different pattern just let me know.

I included a video of the # F27CR for you to take a look at.

expert reply by:
Samuel C
Dimensions Of Mount Plate For Fulton XLT Jack # F141133
Dimensions Of Mount Plate For Fulton XLT Jack # F141133
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