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Can Gen-Y Torsion 2-Ball Mount w/ Stacked Receivers Be Used With Weight Distribution  


Trying to understand what i need to use a Gen Y with Equilizer setup. thanks.


Expert Reply:

Gen-Y doesn't recommend using one of their stacked receiver ball mounts like # 325-GH-1124 for a weight distribution system, because you'll get some movement between the weight distribution shank and the receiver provided by the # 325-GH-1124. Doing so would allow for more banging and movement which will defeat the purpose of using a torsion ball mount, to a degree.

You'd be better off using one of their products that's been specifically designed to work with weight distribution, like part # 325-GH-1102 which is compatible with an Equal-i-zer weight distribution system. You'll simply remove the ball platform from your existing shank and install it on the # 325-GH-1102 which provides a rise/drop of up to 6-1/2 inches. The # 325-GH-1102 is designed for a 2-1/2 inch receiver.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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